Abah masuk paper? camne tu? tak laa..gambar abah je yang masuk paper..ari tu kan abah dapat call dari esso suh abah datang..dorang cakap ada press conference..Betul ke Abah akan masuk paper? tunggu je laa ek..pape pun isnin baru ni kami sekeluarga pegi KL. Kebetulan plak Johor cuti. Kiranya Zarif baru first time pegi KL. tak ke mana pun, cuma gi KLCC.since press conference tu at menara ExxonMobil sebelah KLCC Convention Centre..Alang-alang tu kitorang gi la Aquaria KLCC.
Sepanjang perjalanan tu Zarif tak tidur langsung pun..dah nk sampai KL baru ngantuk2 tapi takleh tido pun.sampai KL lam kul 10.30 pagi, gi jumpa atuk Zarif dulu kat Balai Felda. minum2 dulu,makan dulu..kul 12 tghari baru kitorang sampai KLCC.terus masuk Aquaria..Zarif bukan main excited tgk hidupan laut yang besar2 dan pelik2..check out these pics..

lebih sejam setengah duk dalam aquaria, kuar gi taman lak sementara nak tunggu kul 3.30 ptg..nasib baik la tak terik sangat..
Bukan main susah nak masuk menara ExxonMobil ni..Guard plak garang semacam je..tanya la elok2 kita ni nak jumpa sape..geram betul..Zarif plak tak bleh duk diam kt lobby..sume benda nak usik.tak bagi mulutnya bising..tambah plak dia b*#@k and takde toilet kat area lobby.kt atas baru ada toilet,nak tunggu naik atas bukan main lama..fuh..berpeluh2 ibu..nasib baik naik atas diorang bagi soft toy kt zarif and goodie bag kt ibu..sejuk sket..4.30 ptg baru settle..masa tu zarif dah cam ngantuk je..letaklam stroller pun diam je..tak banyak hal..masuk lam kete terus TIDO..siannya..

Last saturday, Zarif & Family went to Melaka again. But this week, 2 in 1. 1st, memang nak gi Mydin pun, beli Zarif ppunya needs. Da hujung bulan, diapers, susu, lotion sabun dsb memang nak abis dah..2nd, Kami nak jumpa Afiq & Family..Sape Afiq tu? Afiq tu ialah anak kepada kawan Ibu dan Abah,Pakcik Sani dan Acik Zira. Dua-dua kawan ibu sejak sekolah menengah, then jadi plak kawan abah tahun 3 kat U. Afiq & family tengah bercuti kt Melaka, so eloklah kirenya kita berjumpa..small reunion..heheh.tapi tak lama la bleh jumpa sebab kami jumpa afiq n family dah lewat, pas asar. Zarif la tidor lama sangat..dari kul 12 till 3.30 ptg. family Afiq siap dah round bandar melaka n dah kuar dari Zoo by the time kami sampai melaka. Takpe la, Zarif tetiap minggu g melaka n dah 2 kali masuk zoo. So, we're heading to Rasa Village @ Mydin, minum2 sambil borak2.Tapi boraknya kejap aje coz yang selebihnya kejar Zarif je. Takleh duk diam..mentang2 la baru dapat kaki. Afiq pun terexcited nak jalan jugak bile tgk zarif ke sana ke mari.
Then, pas minum2, masing2 masuk mall nak beli barang2..cadangnya nak jumpa balik pas maghrib for dinner together. Afiq n family balik hotel dulu sementara tunggu kami. Dah abis shopping n pas solat maghrib, jumpa plak Mak Su (Tok Su Zarif) n family. Apalagi, dorang ajak dinner. so, terpaksa la gtau afiq n family to have dinner first n then meet again after dinner.
--cut the story, after dinner, kami semua g eye on malaysia..ingat nk naik la, Zarif plak tidur..so, kami just borak2 sambil tengok2 je la eye on malaysia tu berpusing. time nak balik, baru la Zarif bangun..apa la Zarif ni..next time la plak kita pegi..

Semalam abah dapat call dari exxonmobil, kl..bile abah answer the call, abah jadi terkedu..cuba teka kenapa?? ABAH MENANG TEMPAT KETIGA PERADUAN TIP BERJIMAT ESSO!!
abah dapat point smiles 50,000. hmm..kalau la dapat duit 50,000 kan sangat best tu..tapi ok la..bersyukur gak abah coz this is the first time abah menang contest tau (credit to Ibu coz abah bagi idea, ibu buat ayat and type)..hmmm..siap ada press conference lagi isnin depan kat Traders Hotel, KL..excited gile abah nak pegi, terus abah amik cuti isnin depan..kebetulan plak ibu pun tak kerja ari isnin nanti.bolehla zarif ngn ibu ikut skali..and alang2 dah kt area KLCC, Ibu ngn Abah plan nak bawak zarif masuk Aquaria KLCC...bestnya..tak sabar ni nak tunggu 29 Jun 2009. Abah ada press conference..

Guess where had we been last weekend???
Malacca again...takde tempat lain kan?

at first, just wanna go to tesco to buy some pyjamas and everyday clothes for zarif since most of his clothes fit2 je...so, after asar bertolak dari tangkak.sampai tesco, dah rasa cam cukup je baju-baju yg ingin dibeli n dah abis round2 satu tesco tanpa beli ape2 lagi n after solat maghrib, we're heading to Malacca riverbank..memula ingat nk tengok2 je ada ape..ni dia...

wah...ada Pirate Amusement Park rupanya..hmm..menarik..only in malaysia has pirate in the rivers..haha..yang naik river cruise to agaknya jadi piratenya...hihihi..zarif tak naik river cruise so zarif tak jadi pirate la...hehe
plan asal nk tgk2 je dah bertukar..terbeli jugak tiket ferris wheel eye on melaka..murah je..RM5 sorang,zarif free je..Zarif langsung tak takut bile naik..bising je mulutnya tgk kete2 kt bawah.siap berdiri tepi tingkap sambil tunjuk2 bawah..pastu nk naik pirate ship, zarif kecik lagi..nanti la bile zarif da besar, ek..da puas main (puas ke namanya kalau setakat naik ferris wheel??), kita gi round2 uptown melaka..jumpa la stall satay celup aka yong tau fu...apa lagi, melantak la..lama gila tak makan yong tau fu..yong tau fu kat tangkak lagsung tak sedap..sori ek orang tangkak..dah rasa cam berat je tummy tu, baru le kami berangkat..berangkat pulang...hmmm..next week melaka lagi...heheh..sonot la jenjalan kt melaka ni..

Yesterday was your birthday...your very first Birthday..14.06.09

Zarif celebrate kat umah atuk seremban..atuk siap beli kek lagi..bile pasang lilin atas kek tu, zarif punya la excited..tapi bile suh tiup, zarif pandang je...hehe..tak pandai lagi..tunggu la Zarif besar baru bleh buat makan2..

Happy birthday my little dear..

Ari Ahad tu tak gi memane pun..Zarif just main ngn kete ferrari, kuda kepang, tolocar and tido...tapi ari ahad tu Zarif ada kawan.. Tok Su datang dari Alor Gajah bawak mariam,angah n along...hari semalam dah picnic kat luar, hari ini picnic kat umah pulak la ye...

really enjoyable weekend eventhough a bit tiring..

pas Zohor, Paksu dan Paklong balik KL. Tok Su balik Alor Gajah..Atuk balik Terengganu esok paginya..

Seronok sangat bile family datang..Zarif lagi la seronok, ramai yang boleh melayan karenahnya..

huh..diz week a bit busy..x sempat nk tulis entry weekend aritu..dah nak abis minggu dah baru bleh tulis..
last Friday, Zarif's grandparents came to Tangkak just to spend time with Zarif. Paksu, Paklong and Cik chik also came. And Ibu already planned what to do on Saturday since last Saturday.
So, on Saturday morning, ibu and abah went to market to buy some stuff to make chicken rice. To make it short, around 11 am, everything were prepared. And around 12.30 pm, kami pun bertolak ke Melaka. Turun dari rumah tu dalam keadaan hujan yang sangat lebat..tapi, tetap nk bertolak jugak and hoping that tak hujan la kt melaka. Punya la masing-masing excited, sampai lupa nasi ayam tak bawak skali..nasib baik belum kuar tol. Patah la balik…
Around 1.30 pm sampai tol Ayer Keroh..mak aii..banyaknya kete nak masuk Melaka..masa tu dah tak ujan..nasib baik laa…stop at R&R Ayer Keroh, solat n mandikan Zarif (time kuar rumah, Zarif tgh tidur)..then, we were heading to Taman Botani. We were having picnic there…hehehe..sesaje je nk kan kelainan sket..kalau tak,gi Melaka asyik gi Zoo and Dataran Pahlawan je…bosan gak.
Hmmm..dah settle makan tu, tiba masa untuk digest la plak..so, we all round-round satu Taman Botani tu la..takde ape pun, just ada Perkampungan Buku (library lam hutan), kera kera yang berkeliaran dan bergayut di kabel elektrik (siap bergaduh sesame geng berebut kawasan tu…), jumpa ular daun mati tgh jalan, tasik yang ada kapal lanun, Taman Cerita Dongeng dan Taman Pra-sejarah (ni je la pun yang menarik sket, tapi jumpa last skali, zarif dah penat dan ngantuk, so, zarif dah tak berminat…amik gambar pun cebik je..)
Kul 4.30 baru kuar dari hutan..heading to Tesco.kebetulan plak situ ada ekspo pertanian. pas shopping ctu , ibu ingat nk gi solat maghrib kt masjid Al-Azim, then gi Dataran MBMB, so bleh la Zarif main air pancut yang memang disediakan untuk kanak2 bermain...tapi, atuk ajak gi umah Tok Teh kat muar plak..ok laa..some other time ek Zarif..bile Zarif dah boleh berlari..baru best main kat situ..
so, solat maghrib kat umah laa..pastu terus gi umah Tok Teh kt Muar. smpai sana, makanan banyak betul. nasi minyak ada, sate ada dan macam2 roti ada. semua orang melantak sate smpi kenyang..kul 11.30 baru balik Tangkak..fuh...penat..semua orang kekenyangan+penat=tidur lam kete..sian driver.. abah ngn Pak long la sian..heheh..Zarif ok je..sonot je jenjalan..

Dalam minggu ni, Zarif ada habit baru lak. tidur sangat lambat. slalunya around 8 - 8.30 pm tu, zarif dah tidur, tapi minggu ni, kul 11 ke atas plak..malam tadi Zarif tidur kul 12 lebih..main tak henti-henti. around 11 pm, boleh plak zarif nk main ngn majalah National Geoghraphic ibu. suh ibu tunjukkan gambar2 animal. bile dah lambat sangat, ibu tutup sume lampu dan sumber-sumber yang boleh menampakkan cahaya..at first nangis la..tp, lama2 terbaring jugak and at last, tidur..tp ok jugak klu zarif tidur lambat sket, takde la bangun awal. takde la nangis bile ibu antar taska sebab tak sedar. Tapi yang tak bestnya, bile ibu amik Zarif waktu petang, muka Zarif sangat tak puas hati ngan selalu bad mood. Bukan salah ibu tau,Zarif yang tidur lambat and then bangun lambat..
satu lagi benda yang zarif suka buat skarang ni ialah lompat2 atas bed, pastu bile jatuh, gelak2..ibu risau je takut terkena dinding. Tapi bila ibu turunkan dari katil, ngamuk plak,then panjat balik. Terpaksa la ibu sandarkan bantal sepanjang dinding, kepala dan di kaki katil. Suka hati la Zarif, asalkan bahagia..

Entry kali ni takde kene mengena ngn Zarif, Ibu atau abah secara specific, but it is related to all...and it all about Physics..

Did you ever wonder where you came from? That is the stuff that’s inside your body like your bones, organs, muscles…etc. All of these things are made of various molecules and atoms. But where did these little ingredients come from? And how were they made? The answer to these questions will take us back to a time long ago when the universe was much different than it is now. However, the physics was the same.

The early universe expanded after the big bang for only 3 seconds before it cooled to a state where subatomic particles assembled into atoms. Hydrogen atoms formed first since they are the simplest type of atom. Hydrogen atoms contain only one proton in its nucleus which makes it number one on the periodic table of elements. After the universe aged a little (roughly 300 million years) the hydrogen atoms started to clump together under the force of gravity. As these clumps grew in size, the pressure at the center grew larger. When the temperature reached 15 million degrees F, the pressure caused the hydrogen to fuse their nuclei together. This process is known as nuclear fusion. The positively charged nuclei naturally repel each other. However under high temperatures and pressure, the nuclei are moving fast enough to smash together and fuse. When the two proton nuclei of the hydrogen atoms fuse, they form a nucleus consisting of two protons. Some electrons also combine with protons to form neutrons. These neutrons also bind to the nucleus helping it to remain more stable under the nuclear forces. An atom with two protons in its nucleus is Helium. That’s why helium is number two o the periodic table of elements. The fusion process also releases a lot of energy in which some of the hydrogen mass converts into light energy. This conversion of mass in to energy uses Einstein’s famous equation: E=mc2.

At this point, our universe has a bunch of large clumps of hydrogen fusing together to create helium while releasing large amounts of light. This is what we commonly call a star! In fact our sun is doing this right now as we speak (or read). As a star ages, it then fuses the helium with hydrogen to form lithium which has three protons in its nucleus. Take a look at the periodic table to see which number it is. This fusion process continues to create larger and larger nuclei. The forth, the fifth and all the way up to 26.

This is the general idea but it’s not exactly this easy. We have to remember that this is in fact nuclear physics that we’re dealing with here. It looks like a pretty simple picture as we just described but up close it is actually an intricate jigsaw puzzle.

The fusion process doesn’t actually create the elements in order through the periodic table. In fact, the process jumps around. And some fused nuclei decay down to lower elements that were skipped over. Fusion also creates neutrons which combine with atoms to create isotopes which act like atomic cousins. Overall, we can say that a star produces all of the elements up to iron in the periodic table through the fusion process. The details of this process are fascinating, yet they deter us from answering the question at hand.

The element with 26 protons in its nucleus is iron. It turns out that this is the last element that is created. To create higher elements, fusion requires more energy than it produces. We mentioned earlier that a star glows because the fusing atoms release energy (E=mc2). However, the amount of energy released becomes smaller and smaller as the atoms grow larger. Eventually at iron, there is no energy released at all. And for elements beyond iron more energy is need for fusion than gravitational pressure can provide.

After a star has created enough iron, fusion ceases and the hot burning core begins to cool. Up until this point the hot core of the star erupting outwards and preventing gravity from collapsing the star. Now that the star has cooled, the core no longer expands and gravity quickly collapses the star. The star implodes with enough energy to immediately fuse some of the atoms into higher elements like Nickel, Krypton, Gold, Uranium,… etc. This quick and violent implosion releases an enormous amount of energy that explodes the star. This is what we call a supernova! Astrophysicists are still not exactly certain about the details of how a supernova explodes. Hopefully you can figure it out someday!

The exploded remains from a supernova travel through out the universe only to someday clump together with other stardust and give birth to a new star. This is the life of our universe.

Now that we have established that every element in the periodic table aside from hydrogen is essentially stardust, we have to determine how much of our body is made up of this stardust. If we know how many hydrogen atoms are in our body, then we can say that the rest is stardust. Our body is composed of roughly 7x1027 atoms. That is a lot of atoms! Try writing that number out on a piece of paper: 7 with 27 zeros behind it. We say roughly because if you pluck a hair or pick your nose there might be slightly less. Now it turns out that of those billion billion billion atoms, 4.2x1027 of them are hydrogen. Remember that hydrogen is bigbang dust and not stardust. This leaves 2.8x1027 atoms of stardust. Thus the amount of stardust atoms in our body is 40%.

Since stardust atoms are the heavier elements, the percentage of star mass in our body is much more impressive. Most of the hydrogen in our body floats around in the form of water. The human body is about 60% water and hydrogen only accounts for 11% of that water mass. Even though water consists of two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen, hydrogen has much less mass. We can conclude that 93% of the mass in our body is stardust. Just think, long ago someone may have wished upon a star that you are made of.

Hari ni ari Isnin, esok Selasa, pastu Rabu, Khamis..Yeay..pastu ari Jumaat..
Tak sabar rasanya..
TukMi, Atuk, Acik, ngn Pak su nak datang jumpa Zarif..tapi ibu plak yang terlebih seronok..mana tak seronoknya, family ibu nk datang..
hmm..Ibu dah ada plan for weekend ni..Zarif mesti suka punya..
tunggu yerr...

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