My sweet, wonderful and adorable son is turning two yesterday. And.. seriously turning into a little monster..I’m so proud of you. You are sweet and affectionate, as well as smart and observant…and growing so fast! Nothing more to say, just my prayer for you..
“Ya Allah, thank you for giving me a son. Thank you for blessing me with him. Please keep him safe and watch over every step he takes, guide him in the righteous way,to your straight path.. Let him grow into a wise, pious and intelligent man. Let him be a successful man in his life… And let his heart be always close to You as well as to me.."
my prayers for you will always be the same..
i want you to know that i will never love you any less no matter what the circumstances are…and i promise to love you unconditionally..well, all i do is the best i can do..
“May Allah bless us with happiness…”


ngah said...

hapi beday zarifffff!!dah 2 thn zarifff...moga cepat2 dapat adik n xkdekut mainan ngan adam lagi pasni....

EdaManAli said...

hepi belated b'day zhariff...
jd monster inc xpe...cute...

Muhammad Zarif Izzudin said...

tenkiu..tenkiu..auntie-auntie semua ye..

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