Kids who get sick after drinking milk or eating dairy products are usually thought to be lactose intolerant. But they may actually be allergic to cow’s milk. Here’s the difference between the two:

Lactose intolerance is the inability to break down the sugar (lactose) in milk.

Cow’s milk allergy is caused by a specific reaction to proteins found in milk.

Some babies who are allergic to cow’s milk may have diarrhea, poor weight gain and excessive colic – similar to the symptoms of lactose intolerance. But almost all kids get over their cow’s milk allergy before they are five while lactose intolerance is usually for life.

Soy products are good options for babies and children who are allergic to cow’s milk. soy is also good remedy for acute diarrhea.

-->  So far, Zarif have no problem with cow’s milk. So, no points to have Isomil.

--> Colic pun takde. Hmm..bagus la..Seingat ibu, sejak lahir till 10 months, 2 kali je zarif kembung..even ibu sebat je ape saje..and you’re fully breastfed until 6 months, but it seems okay..ibu feed you pumpkin also okay, xde kembung pun. orng tua2 ckp, nnt kembung perut. Depends on baby, maybe..

Owh, citer pasal diarrhea, Ibu ada story sket..tggu next entry ek..


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