Weight:- 10.55 kg

Milestone :
Words:- 1. ibah (Ibu+Abah kot..)
2. tar (car)
Steps:- very fast..ibu have to run slowly now to catch Zarif..
Can understand some instructions (already can keep his toys in place when asked and will go to toilet when ibu said "mandi!!").
Have longer attention span when doing something
Have special kinds of play - knocking down everything, push and pull..(sakit ibu tau slalu kene pukul ngn zarif)
Very demanding - dah pandai mintak ibu main ngn zarif..klu ibu tak layan, marah..pukul2 belakang ibu..hmm..blajar dari mana ni??
Shouting n biting
Start to sleep very late and waking up late.

....till then....


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